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Let's talk about Fire

We are one of 15 Fire Science Exchanges supported by the Joint Fire Science Program. Our goal is to connect fire managers and scientists throughout the Appalachians. CAFMS is largely successful because of our partnerships with state and federal agencies as well as NGOs like The Nature Conservancy's Fire Learning Network. 


Although the Appalachians have a long history of frequent fire, using controlled burns as a tool for public land management is relatively new. There is a great need for science delivery on the risks, benefits, and effects of fire in our region. 


We promote communication and collaboration through workshops, virtual meetings and presentations, plain-language research summaries, publications, social media, and individual meetings with CAFMS members.


CAFMS membership is free, all you have to do is sign up! Our members include fire managers, researchers, government officials, private landowners, students, and anyone with an interest in fire throughout the Appalachian region and beyond! 


Appalachian Fire Science

CAFMS office is located in Clemson, SC. We disseminate peer-reviewed publications and articles providing fire managers with scientific research that encompasses the broad heterogeneity of the region. CAFMS strives to increase and accelerate the flow of science and improve land management strategies by connecting fire managers and scientists throughout the Appalachian region.

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CAFMS is 1 of 15 Fire Science Exchange Networks Across the Nation

The Fire Science Exchange Network (FSEN) works to accelerate the awareness, understanding, adoption, and implementation of readily available wildland fire science information. CAFMS covers the Appalachian region, from Alabama to Pennsylvania. To connect with another regional exchange, feel free to contact us or click on the map to the right for more information on the network. 

Supported by JFSP

The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) is an interagency research, development, and applications partnership that is the national collaboration of all 15 Fire Science Exchange Networks. The JFSP provides funding for scientific studies associated with managing wildland fuels, fires, and fire-impacted ecosystems to respond to emerging needs of policymakers, managers, and practitioners. 

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Joint Fire Science Program
Appalachian Region

Have a question related to fire science or management?
Contact us. We're here to help.
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