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Fire and Fire Surrogate Studies

Sustaining eastern oak forests: Synergistic effects of fire and topography on vegetation and fuels

Hutchinson et al., 2023

Understory community shifts in response to repeated fire and fire surrogate treatments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA

Oakman et al., 2021

The effects of repeated prescribed fire and thinning on bees, wasps, and other flower visitors in the understory and midstory of a temperate forest in North Carolina

Campbell et al., 2018

Long-term avian response to fire severity, repeated burning, and mechanical fuel reduction in upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2018

Bird response to fire severity and repeated burning in upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2013

Effects of fuel reduction treatments on avian nest density in the upper piedmont of South Carolina

Kilpatrick et al., 2010

Proceedings of the 3rd Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference

Hutchinson, 2009

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Bat activity in relation to fire and fire surrogate treatments in southern pine stands

Loeb & Waldrop, 2008

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Short-term response of reptiles and amphibians to prescribed fire and mechanical fuel reduction in a southern Appalachian upland hardwood forest

Greenberg & Waldrop, 2008

Short-term effects of fire and other fuel reduction treatments on breeding birds in a southern Appalachian upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2007

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