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Changes in bark properties and hydrology following prescribed fire in Pinus taeda and Quercus montana

Siegert et al., 2022

Direct and indirect effects of fire on germination of shortleaf pine seeds

Fillingim et al., 2023

Environmental drivers and species traits of mesophication and xerophication in forests of western New York State

Larsen et al., 2023

Image showing the first page of this article including title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Fifty-five years of change in a northwest Georgia old-growth forest

Butler et al., 2018

Forest disturbance history from 'legacy' Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) at the New River Gorge, West Virginia

Saladyga, 2017 (a)

Multivariate roles of litter traits on moisture and flammability of temperate northeastern North American tree species

Kreye et al., 2023

Population maintenance of Pinus pungens, Lam. (Table Mountain Pine) after a century without fire

Barden, 2000 (b)

Prescribed Fire Causes Wounding and Minor Tree Quality Degradation in Oak Forests

Saunders et al., 2023

Prescribed fire and thinning influence snag density and size in the southern Appalachian Mountains

Baldwin et al., 2023

Profiling overstory survival trends following varying thinning and burning disturbance regimes in a mixed pine-hardwood forest in the US South

Craycroft et al., 2023

Restoration of low-intensity fire in Quercus-Pinus
mixedwoods following a prolonged period of fire

Goode et al., 2023

Successional Change and Fire History in Montane Longleaf Pine-Dominated Ecosystems of Northwestern Georgia, USA

Waters et al., 2023

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